Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I once read that rather than always dreaming about going on holidays we should create a life we don’t feel we have to run away from. This comment really had an impact on me. We allow ourselves to get into such a position in life sometimes – the ‘daily grind’, working for someone else’s dream and we come home briefly almost before dark to run around doing daily chores, making meals, we sit down for a while to watch tv and then fall into bed, to do it all over again. Our weekends are spent trying to relax before we have to go back to work again. It’s no wonder we want to escape that kind of life and go on holidays.
Something really hit me today:
I AM creating my life….right now….every single day. 
It’s not something that’s years off – when I create a huge income, or when I get the dream home, but right now. 
Today was a great day. This afternoon Michael (hubby) and I went for a walk on the beach and then stopped in at the cafe across the road from the beach for a cuppa. We spent some time on the laptop looking at dream houses – somewhere we might like to live in the future as part of our visualisation. We came back to the lovely home we are living in and I made a yummy meal for us. We made the decision recently to do our exercise right on the beach as we live so close. I felt such a sense of happiness, of contentment and joy today.
Working through my list of things to achieve each day is helping me become so much more organised. I am achieving things each day that I had planned. I feel that I’m on an upward spiral of achieving things, of positivity, and of personal growth and empowerment. It really is an exciting time when you can feel things shift in your life.
I am just jumping out of my skin with how awesome this year is going to be – for all of us!

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