We all know the saying “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail!” I look at the previous couple of years and my planning has left a lot to be desired. I have a diary/planner that I enter our Polaris training calls so I don’t miss any, I tick off my 6 daily steps to success when I do them and I write any times I have arranged to call someone for follow up, but that was about it. The last few months my diary/planner has evolved. It has become more about Action Lists and achieving what I set out to. If I complete a mini-goal for the day then I get a sticker in the diary (you know those ones we had as kids that said ‘well done’ or ‘great effort’ or just a smiley sticker or flower sticker – something that’s a bit silly and a bit fun and helps me celebrate the win.
Well, today I have taken it one step further. Yesterday I made a list of my top goals for 2015. 15 FOR 15! Yeah, I’ve got 15 goals on that list (thought the number was kind of appropriate!). I then examined each goal and planned out the steps I want to take to move towards achieving that goal…one small step at time. I planned which days I would take the action and charted it on a calendar. So now, I’ve got some real strategy involved – something to really work on.
I’ve just mapped out my first 4 days of the new year and what actions I will take on each of those days. That takes me up to Sunday when I’ve allocated an hour to do some ‘Strategic Planning’ and plan for the following week. For me, allocating a specific time to do these doesn’t work for me. Being a carer for my husband Michael I have to be quite flexible. And that’s the beauty of our Polaris Businesses – having the flexibility to work when and how we want to.
What I have done is create a daily Action List. I do love my lists – always have done, and it works for me, so having an Action List to check off each day is perfect. When I looked at all of my goals on the list and then printed off charts and calendars it seems a little overwhelming and thoughts of ‘how on earth am I going to get all that done’ came to mind. But once I wrote it all in the diary it actually looks so achievable that I’m excited to get stuck into it.
What I have done is create a daily Action List. I do love my lists – always have done, and it works for me, so having an Action List to check off each day is perfect. When I looked at all of my goals on the list and then printed off charts and calendars it seems a little overwhelming and thoughts of ‘how on earth am I going to get all that done’ came to mind. But once I wrote it all in the diary it actually looks so achievable that I’m excited to get stuck into it.
So, my goals are not just airy fairy dreams or ideas of what I want, but real concrete actionable items that I have strategies in place to actually achieve. Oh yeah…2015 is going to be AWESOME!
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