Sunday, December 21, 2014


One of my favourite Jim Rohn quotes is: The formula for success is “a few simple disciplines practiced every day”. This reinforces how important following the 6 daily steps to success is.
I was standing in front of my bookcase today and picked up Jim Rohn’s book The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle. I was flicking through the pages and found the turned page corner with that very quote. I flicked back a couple of pages and found the formula for failure. I found this really interesting. We hear all the time – you only fail if you give up. But what leads up to that point where someone would give up? This is where the drift comes into play. Are you drifting? Or are you the captain of your own ship, in control, and steering your life where you want to go – towards your goals? Am I? In this book, it makes the point that failure’s most dangerous attribute is it’s subtlety. Little errors – in judgement, lack of action, in thoughts – these thing accumulate every day. We do something (or fail to do something), there does not seem to be any immediate consequence, the sky didn’t fall in, so we repeat that action…over and over and over, and before you know it time has gone by, we have drifted so far off course without even realising it. What we must wake up to is the consequences of not taking corrective action. For example, if our pattern was to eat the wrong foods on a daily basis, if not corrected this would result in health problems in the future. The pain and regret of our errors in judgement has just been delayed for a future time.
How can we turn this around? By following the quote mentioned at the start of this post – practice a few simple disciplines every day! You don’t have to make a grand gesture to renounce your former action and turn your life around. All it takes is small but consistent steps – every single day. It’s all about creating a new pattern or habit for yourself.
One of my current goals is: ‘to be balanced…in work, exercise, nutrition and fun’. So for me, this is a perfect time to assess and course correct those ‘simple disciplines’ in my life. One such discipline that I have been implementing into my life is to ensure that I make time every day to work on myself with our Beyond Freedom Evolution curriculum. It doesn’t have to be this big thing that I spend hours each day on – just 10-20 mins a day can make a huge difference, and it has been making a big difference for me. I have learned so much about how to be the best version of me, how to get what I want in life, and to really live with purpose. I have a lot to work on, but day by day I’m improving, growing into my skin, learning how to do this thing called life, and its giving me so much joy to have that sense of moving onward and upwards – all thanks to Beyond Freedom Evolution.
So how about you? What is one small discipline you can add to your daily method of operation?

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