I hate missing out…on anything really. That has helped me right from the beginning to be on all our training calls. To me, it’s just part of what we do. If you work in a corporate job there is no way you would miss the staff meetings, or the quarterly update, or any training you are sent to. The difference is that often times corporate meeting are just a waste of time as nothing said is relevent, or if it is they take an hour to tell you something that could have been said in ten minutes.
With our training calls there is always something to learn – if we are aware and come to the call like a student looking to learn. Have a pen and notebook with you on all the calls – take notes, be attentive. It could be the simplest statement that really hits you and brings you an aha moment. It could be a phrase, sentence or wordtrack that helps you lift your posture and increase your leadership qualities.
Someone may make a comment at the end that resonates with you and answers a question you have had. Something YOU say on a call may not seem like much to you, but may help someone else. These calls are OUR staff meetings and trainings. Make them yours, make them meaningful, make them sensational and you will find them essential for your business success.