Thursday, April 23, 2015


I was quite surprised this week to identify a part of my life where I was coming from a place of Lack. I had noticed some thoughts popping into my head that I wasn’t really happy with and decided to sit down with my Journal and write down honestly what had been coming up for me. I came up with 4 phrases or thoughts that I had noticed more than once. It’s funny, but looking at these I don’t feel like I mentally believe any one of them, but obviously my subconscious has a different opinion.  After writing down these ‘Lack’ phrases/thoughts, on the opposite page in my journal I wrote down how I can flip these on their head and create an abundance thinking to this situation. I came up with the following:
Creating an Abundance Focused Mentality:
1. Focus on Abundance, not the Lack of something. Dwell on the Possibilities. Use Visualisation.
2. Gratitude – Have an appreciation for what I do have. Be specific to the thing I’m feeling a lack of.
3. Get Organised – Plan. – What can I do to create MORE? – Do More, Do More, Do More!
4. Take ACTION. After planning, I now know what I need to do, so it’s time to put my plans into action.
5. Celebrate my WINS. If I’m taking action towards my goals – that’s a win. If I get results – that’s a win.
After writing down this list I felt tremendous gratitude for our Beyond Freedom Evolution curriculum, because everything I’ve listed here are steps that I have learned along the way. Even being ‘aware’ to this kind of thinking and working out how to change that for myself is something that I have learned how to do because of Beyond Freedom Evolution. Ultimately we are our own Guru in this life, but I can only be that because of the tools I have been shown.
What do you do to increase an abundance mentality in your life?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


It’s great to be starting fresh once again at the beginning of our Beyond Freedom Evolution curriculum. We had a wonderful call today with Anna & Suzanne discussing the North Star topic, so I thought I would share my experience here.

Like others related today I too struggled with deciding what my North Star should be.
One of my first North Star’s was “Simple Disciplines Practiced Every Day” – based on a Jim Rohn quote. It was something I wanted to implement into my life and live by, but something didn’t feel quite right. I even doubted that it was the right kind of statement to BE a North Star. But I decided to try it on for size – take it for a fitting, or for a test drive it for a while, if you will. Does it fit? Does it feel right? Am I comfortable in it? Do I look good in it? Is it the right colour choice for me?
While I was ‘test-driving’ my North Star I continued to be open and aware to other words to live by out there. About 18 months ago I had a bit of a light-bulb moment when I realised that my North Star was actually my compass heading – practicing simple disciplines every day is a tool that helps me stay on course towards my North Star. This was such a great realisation and it helped me to quite soon afterwards discover what my North Star is now: Make it Happen (or sometimes I CAN make it happen).
This North Star resonates very deeply with me. We are taught in Beyond Freedom Evolution that we are the creators of our reality. Whatever it is that we desire, we can truly make it happen for ourselves. Instead of just having a dream or desire for a different experience I can set a goal, practice discipline daily in the steps I take and make it happen. Moving to be in a warmer climate and closer to the ocean have been some of the great results for me this past year from following my North Star, so I’m pretty grateful that I found what that meant for me.
I would love to hear you share what your North Star is and your journey in finding it.