Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Never Underestimate the Power of Our Polaris Global Community!

I just loved our Polaris Global Professional Marketers call this week. It resonated with everything that I believe about being a part of the collective group when we have events like our recent Aussie Tour as it rolled into Adelaide where I am now living. As soon as it was announced that it was coming here I paid for my ticket and fully intended to be at both days whether I had guests attending or not. The thought of not attending did not even cross my mind. I had a guest at the Sunday, and almost had a guest for the Tuesday but unfortunately he had to cancel last minute. But that didn’t matter – what I got out of just being there was priceless. I added to and fed off of the collective energy of the group. I came home just buzzing with energy to continue building momentum in my business and create the results and achieve the goals I have set for myself.

On top of being present at the event I cannot stress just how much hanging out with everyone afterwards means to me. It’s not just a social thing, although the social aspect is fun and getting to know fellow distributors and make new friends is really great. But it’s so much more than that – it’s the masterminding, the sharing of thoughts, ideas, challenges, sometimes deeply personal things. We have this amazing safe-harbour community where we can feel safe to share these kind of things, because at the end of the day, we are all facing our own challenges on this journey of growth.
Don’t underestimate the power of a few choice words – be it words you are saying to someone else, or words you are hearing someone else share. It could be the simplest comment that can help you reach an AHA moment and some major breakthrough in your thinking.
I was on the receiving end of some powerful words from a couple of gentlemen who are now even more dear to me because of how those words affected me. There is something I have been dealing with for over 30 years, something that I have come a long way in working through. Yet there was something still lingering that I had to deal with. They gave me a different perspective, a different way of looking at the situation, and although I will still have a bit of work to do on this topic, I can already feel that it does not hold the power over me that it once did….and that is pretty amazing and something I am very grateful for.
What AHA moments have you had from conversations at any of the Polaris Global Events?

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I’ve recently been working through the ‘Decision’ books of our Beyond Freedom Evolution curriculum and it has had a deeper impact on me this time working through it. I thought I had previously set goals in the past but all enthusiasm and effort to achieve them seemed to fizzle out pretty quickly. I now see that I had not really decided to achieve those goals, because if I had, then all other possibilities would have been cut off (for the word decide comes from the latin decisio meaning to cut off.) I’ve put this into action for the goals I have set this year – I have such focus this year on these goals, I am crystal clear on them – clear on why I want them, and clear about how to go about achieving them – all thanks to what I have learned from Beyond Freedom Evolution. I have ‘decided’ not only to hold these goals in my mind, but truly decided that I will achieve them this year, and there is no doubt in my mind that I will. It’s not…”Will I?”….it’s “When will I?”
What have you learned about the decision making process in your own journey?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I once read that rather than always dreaming about going on holidays we should create a life we don’t feel we have to run away from. This comment really had an impact on me. We allow ourselves to get into such a position in life sometimes – the ‘daily grind’, working for someone else’s dream and we come home briefly almost before dark to run around doing daily chores, making meals, we sit down for a while to watch tv and then fall into bed, to do it all over again. Our weekends are spent trying to relax before we have to go back to work again. It’s no wonder we want to escape that kind of life and go on holidays.
Something really hit me today:
I AM creating my life….right now….every single day. 
It’s not something that’s years off – when I create a huge income, or when I get the dream home, but right now. 
Today was a great day. This afternoon Michael (hubby) and I went for a walk on the beach and then stopped in at the cafe across the road from the beach for a cuppa. We spent some time on the laptop looking at dream houses – somewhere we might like to live in the future as part of our visualisation. We came back to the lovely home we are living in and I made a yummy meal for us. We made the decision recently to do our exercise right on the beach as we live so close. I felt such a sense of happiness, of contentment and joy today.
Working through my list of things to achieve each day is helping me become so much more organised. I am achieving things each day that I had planned. I feel that I’m on an upward spiral of achieving things, of positivity, and of personal growth and empowerment. It really is an exciting time when you can feel things shift in your life.
I am just jumping out of my skin with how awesome this year is going to be – for all of us!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

EMAIL: practice simple disciplines every day

One of my favourite personal development author's Jim Rohn once said that the formula for success is a few simple disciplines practiced every day.

Last year I felt swamped with emails.  I was subscribed to so many various newsletters, and getting daily offers from various companies that sometimes my inbox would have several thousand emails waiting for my attention.

I have unsubscribed from a lot, but there are some genuinely good newsletters there that I still want to receive.

This year I have made a commitment to spend just 15 mins a day (can even be while I'm watching tv) to give attention to my emails.  I am absolutely blown away by how easy it is to manage my emails now.

In just 1 week of putting this into practice I am on top of everything and have a mere 13 emails sitting in my inbox which I have read but are flagged for action for this Friday, so will stay there until they are completed.

I am really loving this new goal-achieving process I am working on of setting out my action steps each week in my diary and the ticking them off each day.  I can feel that 2015 is going to be on purpose with me taking a higher level of personal responsibility for achieving my goals.

Susan Dorrington
Lifestyle Mentor
Executive Income Specialist
Leadership Development Business Consultant
remember, if working for yourself no longer works for you
... hire yourself!

Monday, January 5, 2015


Whether we have taken stock at the end of the year and have set new goals, or if we are just continuing with goals we have already had previously set, it’s a great topic to think and talk about. Do you keep your goals to yourself, or do you share them? True some goals may be personal and not to be shared. But do you find that sharing your main goals with others helps with your accountability? Once a goal is out there it becomes more compelling to follow through on your word.
I’m pretty excited about starting this year out with a set of 15 goals for 2015. What makes it so exciting for me is that I have full belief that I can achieve them.
Here are 3 of my top goals for the year:
1. Health: To lose 30 kg by 30 June 2015 (I also have a set of exercise and nutrition goals that support this).
2. Development – to do my Beyond Freedom Evolution program daily and to read a minimum of 12 inspiring books.
3. Business – to consistently do a 3-Plan and earn $150K this year.
So, what are your Top 3 Goal for the year? I’d love for you to share them here.

Friday, January 2, 2015


It was the 1st Jan and I was working on my Action List and this thought popped into my head (obviously the Monkey chatter/doubting voice). It asked me (is a very doubtful tone): 
“What makes you think this year is going to be any different than last year…or the year before that”? 
My very first mental response was:
“ME! I’m different, so my year will be different”!
I love the growth we have here with our Beyond Freedom Evolution curriculum. It is continually opening my mind to new thoughts and concepts. It is always pushing me to grow and improve. It’s lifting me higher and higher every day. 
Before Beyond Freedom Evolution I felt broken, shattered and battered by all that life had thrown at me to that point. I felt this chasm inside of me like something was missing. But bit by bit I’ve been piecing myself back together. 

I feel whole now – I have all within me that I need. I love and respect and approve of myself. I have love and joy in my life. I have grown in my understanding of myself and don’t allow other’s bad or poor attitudes to become my own. I am very grateful for what I have learned and am continuing to learn each and every day.  What do you say to squash the Monkey Chatter when it starts in your mind?