Friday, December 6, 2013

A light goes out of the world

My heartfelt condolences go out to the people of South Africa who today have lost their beloved leader and President Nelson Mandela.

I read a post on facebook today written by author and motivational speaker Les Brown.  My own thoughts echo his sentiments, so I hope he won't mind me re-posting here as I try to find adequate words to express my thoughts on the passing of a man whom I have admired for his strength, grace and forgiveness.

"Mandiba's life was a living example of grace and forgiveness in the face of unspeakable suffering; hard work and sacrifice with dignity; and an uncompromising belief that all people can work together to change conditions of disparity and economic inequality, and can learn to live together in peace.  The legacy of his life and leadership compels us to continue his work to build communities, countries and a world where all people can manifest their GREATNESS, and live their dreams". - Les Brown

I will never forget the impact watching the movie Invictus had upon me - and discovering one small poem by William Ernest Henley that inspired, consoled and encouraged such a great man during such 'unspeakable suffering' he endured while imprisoned.

As a tribute to Mandela, here is that poem. So powerful: I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

RIP Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul. 

Susan Dorrington
Executive Income Specialist, M8 Director and
Leadership Development Business Consultant

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Busting the MYTH of Be Do Have

We've all heard it - "Oh if only I had X (eg. money), then I'd do X (travel, buy house/car/goods) and then I'd be X (happy etc.)".    We live our lives believing that we can't BE something (like happy or successful) unless we HAVE something (like money, the best job, the best car etc).  In other words, to BE something and DO something you first must HAVE something.

Well, I'm here to tell you that this is just NOT TRUE!!  Someone lied to us.  We've got it all wrong, upside down, inside out and back the front!

This is a well known fact among my circle of influence, and in the circles of successful business people and entrepreneurs around the world, and one that I want to share with you because it has made a huge difference in my life and I know it can do for you too.

To start with we need to flip this:

You must firstly BE something and DO something before you can HAVE something!

Did that just flick a light switch on in your brain?  I hope so, because that is what it did to me when i first heard it explained this way.  It was like "Ahhhhhh I get it now!"

So how do you BE and DO?

BE-ing doesn't mean that you have to BE the end product, having achieved the result, having 'arrived', but it does mean that you must be on the footpath, on the journey.  It means looking at who do you want to BE. Examine what thoughts, attitudes and actions that person would take....and DO that.

If you put this principle to work in your life, Work harder on yourself than you do on your business, or on pursuing your goals and before you know it you will be achieving those goals and going on to set even bigger brighter grander goals for yourself and your life.

One more thing to say on this topic:  MYTH BUSTED!!!

~Susan Dorrington
Executive Income Specialist & Leadership Development

Monday, October 14, 2013

Where do you get your POWER?

It is in quiet solitude I get my energy.

I did a Myers Briggs personality test several years ago and confirmed what I already knew - that I was an introvert.  But the more I read about introverts, the more I realised that this does not mean that I am not social, or that I am afraid of my own shadow let alone other people.  No, not at all.  Part of being an introvert meant that you would get your energy from times spent alone or in quiet solitude.

I am a very social person, and really enjoy the company of others.  I love bouncing things off other people, be that concepts, ideas or even jokes.  I also love spending time with my other half, Michael. We are joined at the hip most of the time.  But I love to have moments when there is no tv, no music, no conversation - just the quiet solitude of being alone - this is where I do my thinking, this is where I refresh from the worries of the world, this is where I re-energise and sort out what's in my head - the good from the bad, and can centre myself and be ready to face the world for another day.

So, where do you get your power?

So, how about power?  Power is slightly different to energy.  Energy is the physical and mental ability to carry on and get something done.  Power is more about where you get your inner motivation from.

I don't have all the answers.  This is still something I am figuring out what is true for me.  But I do know what I have learned from successful business men and women, from inspiring figures in our society, and from anyone achieving their goals:

Motivation comes from doing what you are passionate about.

So, I guess the question is - What Inspires you?  What are you Passionate about?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Welcome to No Limits Biz

Taking ownership of a new business name is pretty exciting.  Many of you reading this may have known me from my other trading as name of Liberty2Live.  Something with this name wasn't resonating with me.  I took on the name several years ago - picking this to represent having a business that assisted others in having the liberty to live the life the desired.  But most people reading this thought the word 'live' was prounounced in the context of: The band was 'live'.   Well that just doesn't work!  :)

Over the last few years the phrase No Limits has presented itself to me time and again and I really liked that - having a business that has no income cap - unlike a job where you can only earn a salary, this business model means that you have the potential to earn whatever you want - if you are willing to do the work to achieve it.  No cap, no ceiling, no-one else holding you back or saying  you can't - just No Limits!  So, for me, it seemed appropriate to be in my own No Limits Biz (or business).  And now I'm excited that it is my registered business name.

This name is who I am, it's who I want to be, and it's what my business represents.

I have so much to share, and as a friend recently put it succinctly - "I don't want to die with the music still in me".  I hope you enjoy my posts. I also hope you will interact with me, sharing your comments, your thoughts, ideas and wins.  My blog is nothing without YOU.

Thanks for reading.

Susan Dorrington
No Limits Biz